Thursday, May 12, 2011

04. Alive but barely breathing

You my QTpie always

I miss my long hair so much that it became really depressing even for me to look into the mirror..and im not anticipating for tomorrow to come because i HAVE NOT(may i emphasize this word) done a single shit for dnt.

God bless me.

My life is........*searching for the words* .................... in other words, indescribable. If i have to, the word will prolly be 'lame'

Been sleeping during english lessons and the mom has been nagging that she seldom see me reading any storybooks anymore.

17 years old. STORYBOOKS. hahahahahahahhahahahhahahaha novels would be a better word and you can't blame me because these days most books are ever-so-boring.


I just want to sleep forever, that would be nice.

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